Weekly update on development process (Jan 30, 2022)

2 min readJan 30, 2023


Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your own token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content for your token. Subscribe to our Telegram / Twitter to get notified about updates.

Weekly progress

  • ⚒ Updated the Fairpool pricing formula.
  • ⚒ Implemented the list of trades.
  • 🤝 Reached an agreement with 1 more influencer to launch his Fairpool.

A better financial instrument

Fairpool works similarly to shares. It provides royalties to the promoters, rewards to the holders, fees to the operator. However, it’s different from shares (and from regular ERC-20 tokens) in one crucial aspect — the liquidity is fully controlled by the smart contract. There’s simply no “withdraw” function. The only way to get the money out of the contract is to sell the token. Is it good or bad?

It’s obviously good for the investors, because it guarantees they will always be able to sell the token back into the contract (albeit at a different price). It protects against the rug pulls and selloffs orchestrated by the token owner. The scammers won’t be able to make money quickly by launching a Fairpool — any person who creates a token needs to wait until the royalties accumulate, and he/she must continue promoting the token during this period.

This means only honest people will launch their Fairpools. The traders & investors will see that the Fairpool DEX prevents the rug pulls, so they will move their trading activity to our exchange.

Let’s see how it unfolds.

Next week’s focus

  1. ⚒ Develop Fairpool.

About Fairpool

Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your own token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content for your token. If you want to get notified about updates to our products, please follow our Telegram & Twitter.

Any questions? Reach out to us:

Website: fairpool.io

Telegram: @FairpoolDEX

Twitter: @FairpoolDEX

Anchor Podcasts: @FairpoolDEX

Medium: fairpool-dex.medium.com

$FAIR token: Uniswap + PancakeSwap




Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content.