Weekly update on development process (Jan 16, 2022)

2 min readJan 16, 2023


Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your own token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content for your token. Subscribe to our Telegram / Twitter to get notified about updates.

Weekly progress

  • ⚒ Finished the sell form, improved the buy form.
  • ⚒ Researched the impact of pool parameters on price behavior.
  • 🤝 Reached a preliminary agreement for an introduction to a large group of influencers.
  • 🤝 Prepared a presentation for speaking at a local event.

The Club

To promote Fairpool, we need to make agreements with agents (who would introduce us to the influencers).

We can meet agents at networking events. However, most events are synchronous and unstructured: different people gather at a specific place & time without a specific agenda. A lot of time is wasted on repeated introductions & on looking for potential matches.

We propose an inverse idea: asynchronous structured networking events.

  • All participants introduce themselves by filling a single form.
  • All participants specify their requests & their offers.
  • All participants schedule 1-on-1 calls at a convenient time.

We’ll explore this idea — hoping to meet more agents this way.

Next week’s focus

  1. ⚒ Develop Fairpool.

About Fairpool

Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your own token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content for your token. If you want to get notified about updates to our products, please follow our Telegram & Twitter.

Any questions? Reach out to us:

Website: fairpool.io

Telegram: @FairpoolDEX

Twitter: @FairpoolDEX

Anchor Podcasts: @FairpoolDEX

Medium: fairpool-dex.medium.com

$FAIR token: Uniswap + PancakeSwap




Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content.