Weekly update on development process (Feb 13, 2023)

2 min readFeb 13, 2023


Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your own token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content for your token. Subscribe to our Telegram / Twitter to get notified about updates.

Weekly progress

  • 🤝 Got feedback from the users & influencers on their testnet tokens: OLGA token, LEGIN token.
  • ⚒ Fixed the issues according to feedback.
  • ⚒ Worked on the Fairpool pricing formula.

The pricing formula

The pricing formula turned out to be a particularly tricky component.

We want the formula to have the following properties:

  1. The price increases when the total supply of tokens increases (the more people buy, the higher the price).
  2. The price increases faster at higher total supply (the more people buy, the faster they can make profit).

These properties dictate that the price curve must be parabolic, parametrized in the slope & exponent. This implies that the price must be a rational number, but Solidity only has integers. This poses an implementation problem.

We’ve tried two pricing formulas already, now trying out the third one. Meanwhile, we’re also getting feedback on the UI and improving it accordingly.

Next week’s focus

  1. ⚒ Develop Fairpool.

About Fairpool

Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your own token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content for your token. If you want to get notified about updates to our products, please follow our Telegram & Twitter.

Any questions? Reach out to us:

Website: fairpool.io

Telegram: @FairpoolDEX

Twitter: @FairpoolDEX

Anchor Podcasts: @FairpoolDEX

Medium: fairpool-dex.medium.com

$FAIR token: Uniswap + PancakeSwap




Fairpool is a DEX for personal tokens. Create your token & receive royalties from trading volume. Increase volume by offering dividends / selling content.